PA State Standards
In addition to all of our social and emotional goals, Kids for Kids aims to help participating students achieve a number of PA State Standards related to Arts & Humanities and ELA. Below are the standards and how our project addresses them.
ELA Standard - CC.1.2: Reading Informational Text: Students read, understand, and respond to informational text – with emphasis on comprehension, making connections among ideas and between texts with focus on textual evidence.
This ELA standard is addressed in our project because our student artists are using their comprehension skills to read and understand the text from the recipient synopses. The student artists are then making intertextual connections as they create original art in response to the text.
ELA Standard - CC.1.2.4.B: Refer to details and examples in text to support what the text says explicitly and make inferences.
This ELA standard is addressed in our project because our student artists are reading synopses written by other children and making inferences about what the text means. They are then creating pieces of art based on the inferences they make as well as specific examples from the text.
ELA Standard - CC.1.2.4.J: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions, or states of being and that are basic to a particular topic.
This ELA standard is addressed in our project because students will be participating in collaborative discussions and activities that require specific and grade-appropriate communication skills that will enhance their understanding of empathy.
ELA Standard - CC.1.2.8.B: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences, conclusions, and/or generalizations drawn from the text.
This ELA standard is addressed in our project because our student artists are instructed to find and cite the evidence in an autobiographical text that helps them to better understand and empathize with the author of the text.
ELA Standard - CC.1.5.6.C: Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g. visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.
This ELA standard is addressed in our project because students will be presented with several superhero stories in different media formats to build understanding of empathy.
Art Standard - 9.1.3.E: Demonstrate the ability to define objects, express emotions, illustrate an action or relate an experience through creation of works in the arts.
This art standard is addressed in our project because student artists are taking synopses written by other students and expressing these students' emotions and experiences through their art.
Art Standard - 9.1.5.E: Know and demonstrate how arts can communicate experiences, stories or emotions through the production of works in the arts.
This art standard is addressed in our project because students will be learning how to express other children's experiences, stories or emotions through different artistic techniques.